
Finding + Shooting Powerful Urban Photo Concepts

By September 29, 2017 March 8th, 2022 No Comments

The best urban photography seems to be a mix of location, timing and a whole lot of creativity. Here’s how these artists help us see cities from a whole new perspective…


Charles Tavernier (@charles_tvr)



About the shot: “This shot has been taken in a small street of the old Montreal my favorite place in Montreal. It was completely unplanned. It was around 8:30am on a Sunday in February. I was heading to a starbucks when I saw this small street and I thought it would be a cool place to do some portraits. I always have my gears in my car so when I came back from the Starbucks I took all my stuff (tripod cameras remote etc) and went back to this street. I shot a couple of different photos with smoke without smoke; with the camera without the camera. At the end I tried with the smoke and the camera and ended up to be the winner shot.”


On finding/scout amazing urban locations: I like to walk alone with my headphones on in the city and try to find cool places! But I’m also inspired by other photographers, and sometimes by looking at some photos I took zooming on it and being like, wow didn’t see that place when I was there.”


Resh Ryan (@resh510)



About the shot: “This was shot in downtown Chicago, Illinois.  I had seen this shot before on Instagram — it’s a classic location for Chicago locals. I had been wanting to see it for myself for a long time and put my own spin on it.  I love the reflection and symmetry it creates and the tones in Chicago are always great too.”


On finding/scout amazing urban locations: “Sometimes I’ll see a place that looks cool while I’m already out shooting. I’ll save it on my maps for later. Other times I’ll do research online and/or Google maps to find some of the more secret spots. That, plus a little luck and adventuring . Then there’s the occasional time someone else that knows a location takes me there, but I really enjoy the satisfaction of finding a place on my own without any help.”



Laurie (@dccitygirl)



About the shot: “This picture was taken in Palmer Alley at City Center, which is an upscale shopping and dining area in Washington DC.  In celebration of summer, City Center installed beach balls suspended above and between the shops and eateries.

On finding/scout amazing urban locations:  “I always try to have my finger on the pulse of what’s going on.  Living in the city makes it easy for me and being active on Instagram really helps.  I am a Community Manager for our Washington DC Instagram community (@igdc) and being @dccitygirl challenges me to show my city and do it proud.”


Bobby Greb (@two6_images)



About the shot: “This was shot in Seattle, WA in a small park next to the Dr. Jose P Rizal Bridge. I’d been in and out of Seattle numerous times over the beginning of the year and never really could catch a good sunset. Eventually I was staying about 45 minutes away from this spot and noticed the potential for a good sky for sunset and raced over. After getting setup, settings adjusted, and the composition I was looking for, I noticed a giant vine on the other side of the fence that was very distracting and really obstructed the shot. I eventually found a large branch that I poked through and just took giant one armed hacks at it while my face was rubbing up and down against the chain link. There was a huge sense of urgency because I was quickly running out of light. It seemed like an eternity, but I finally got it low enough. After finally getting a good sunset, racing to the spot, and beating down the giant eye sore (with just enough light to add a little drama to the capture) I was pretty satisfied.

On finding/scout amazing urban locations: “…it really varies. If it’s a new city I’ve never been to I tend to hit more of the tourist spots that peak my interest. I ask other photographers that I run into where they like to go or can’t miss places I should checkout. I use anything I can to research the area. Instagram is the biggest tool I’d say. YouTube, blogs, and documentaries have been helpful. After that I really start to wing it. I mainly look for a combination of good light and unique perspective that hopefully hasn’t already been captured.”


Davey (@_5foot)



About the shot: “This photo was taken outside a restaurant in my hometown of Canberra, Australia. I was out chasing reflections in the rain as I always do and I saw this guy eating alone in the window. He didn’t seem to mind me taking the photo… I titled the image ‘dinner for one’.”

On finding/scout amazing urban locations: “I don’t do a whole lot of scouting, I just take my camera with me and shoot whatever interests me at the time. However, I mostly shoot in bad/miserable weather because it adds mood to the images. I live in a small city where everything has been shot to death, so shooting in the rain helps me put a new spin on things.”


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